

For a reasonable person, the information below is self-evident, but for others, the key points are presented as follows:

This is my personal website. All opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not reflect the views of my employer or any other organizations with which I may be affiliated.

Please be aware that my views and beliefs may change over time. Opinions expressed in previous posts may not align with my current views and may differ significantly from them. This site serves as a sort of archive of my thoughts at various times and should not be considered as permanent or unchanging.

The information presented on this site may seem obvious or familiar, as much of it has been discussed in other sources. However, if it is presented here for the first time, it means that within the context of this resource, it is new and may be useful. Remember that individual experiences vary, and even common situations may be perceived differently.

I am not responsible for any losses or damages that may arise from the use of the information presented on this site. The methods and processes I describe may be effective for me, but this does not guarantee their successful application by others. All information is provided “as is” without any guarantees of accuracy or suitability.

The fact that I read, intend to purchase, or own any book should not be construed as my endorsement of the author’s positions on morality, religion, ethics, or other topics. Mentioning these books is not a recommendation or expression of agreement with the author.

Thoughts and opinions expressed on the site may not reflect reality and are not intended to offend or demean anyone. If anyone has taken my words personally and feels offended, that is their own perception, and I am not responsible for such reactions. Each person should deal with their own internal feelings.

Also, what I read, share, or whom I follow does not mean that I support all the materials published on those pages. These are not my pages, and I do not control other people’s words and thoughts. If something seems inappropriate, you can discuss it with me.

Not all information on the internet is reliable. Internet ≠ real life.

The disclaimer may be changed or supplemented at any time without prior notice.