Everything has long been invented, written, told, and this text is no exception


✦ Translated with DeepL

– You don't need to tell me about something everyone already knows.

The thought of having to explain something to someone terrifies me. It’s obvious! Everyone knows it! Turns out not everyone knows, or at least remembers. This post is about an obvious thought that everyone already knows.

I just have to write this as a warning to myself to stop procrastinating and start posting something. Something that I found interesting, something I didn’t know but everyone knew, or something that only I knew and thought everyone knew but it turned out differently. For someone it will be an obvious and banal set of statements, someone has already forgotten this thought and does not mind being reminded of it, and for someone it may become a revelation of the day.

At least this site hasn’t posted on many topics, which means it’s something not yet explored in this universe, even if it was trivial and obvious.

Perhaps in this way I will get rid of the obstacles to writing openly, since I am not an expert in a particular field.

Even if some knowledge and experience is familiar to everyone, it does not mean that it is exactly the same. It’s different for each of us, because it’s the little things and details that make the difference. Share your experience with someone, and maybe it will be useful for someone else.

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Articles from blogs I follow around the web

Mini Essays and Note Taking Software: Promising tools for learining

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5 ways to actually use the notes you take

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PARA Кэла Ньюпорта

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