I'm building a home gym
It’s been 8 months since I went to the gym. At first I was working outdoors on the bar, at home I had 6 kg dumbbells, I was doing deadlifts, squats. It didn’t last long. So at the beginning of the year a friend and I are building our own little gym to
- not to participate in the “own nothing and be happy” program;
- not paying a monthly subscription fee;
- not wasting time traveling and waiting.
I decided right away that we needed a power frame. There were thoughts of completely assembling everything ourselves from scratch, but we started looking for an offer at a good price. Preliminarily we settled on an ad from a neighboring town, (no delivery) and decided how to move it all without much expense and a long trip. When we called to discuss the terms, the seller mumbled something without much interest, and we continued to consider other options.
And so, in one of the few ads we came across an interesting offer. We called him, we agreed that he would bring and assemble everything himself.
A little later we took a barbell and some more pancakes for the initial stage.
Thanks, ironzubr.by
Plans for 2023 #
buy more weightsbuy a bench with adjustable tilt- buy gymnastic rings
Puley System
VIDEO: DIY Home Gym Pulley System (FOUR Options)
Posted in: Gym
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Mini Essays and Note Taking Software: Promising tools for learining
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