Don't depend on streaming and don't forget to download your favourite songs to your drive

#Life #Tech #Music

✦ Translated with DeepL

Sometime in early April, I spent a week downloading a couple of hundred albums from the internet onto my SSD and then organising them and filling in basic metadata.

A long time ago, back before 2015 when I discovered Spotify, I used music streaming in its manifestations such as SoundCloud, Bandcamp and genre-specific communities on VK. Prior to that period, though, there was a brief time period where something was downloaded in 127kbps.mp3 format during a limited home internet connection.

Having actively used Spotify since 2016, I, like many, have experienced the lack of a full library of artists’ tracks, regional restrictions and album withdrawals due to conflicts between labels and musicians themselves and streaming services.

For example, the album Michael Been - Light Sleeper (1992) is missing. This is the soundtrack to the 1992 Paul Schrader movie of the same name “Light Sleeper”.

Anyway, something occurred to me one day and I decided to finally get around to building up a music library without relying on the services of private companies.

While I was doing that, I got the idea to buy an inexpensive player, because:

Downloaded just about everything using SoulseekQt and

In case, my music can be found here or downloaded on Bandcamp.

Don’t think anything bad, but there is not enough money for everyone. Especially if we are talking about average values2 in CIS countries. For some albums (less than half of half of half of half) I have paid or will still pay.

Edited with:

  1. If you have questions, ask your lawyer because mine said it can be done. ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

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